Aussie Cypress Specialists
Complaint Free Since 2003.
We Love This Wood: "We wouldn't let our own Grand Baby crawl on a shoddy or toxic floor!" We know that in the past some companies for whom the $dollar is their king launched some dubious so-called "Australian Cypress" products into the American market. This served mostly to damage the reputation of this amazing wood. Well, as Aussies, we were pretty darned irritated by that. We care about the reputation of this wood... It's a fellow Aussie and it actually matters to us whether people love it as much as we do.
Experience: Call us and you'll get to talk an Aussie who has been involved from the absolute beginning, so you can discover what you need to know about Australian Cypress before you commit to spending your hard-earned money on it. As a family run business, we get that. Honorable: With over 30 years' proven experience in Australian Cypress, we are committed to the sustainable management and efficient, high quality manufacture of our Australian Cypress: Ours comes from an Australian Forestry Standard accredited forest and mill. The Australian Forestry Standard is PEFC endorsed. |
Work & Trust: We travel to Australia regularly to check on our products destined for the USA. It sounds exciting, but honestly it's hard work! But it is a big part of how we seek to make certain that the wood products we bring into the USA are to a standard that you can trust. We have built up that trust over many years and nurture it carefully. |
We Specialize: Because we have had laser focus on this beautiful wood, we take extra care and extra steps in our milling and manufacturing process to ensure that we create the highest quality, most beautiful Australian Cypress - products that are free of some of the manufacturing and finishing issues that still plague some manufacturers.
This is what sets Lifestyle Woods' AustralianCypress.US apart and is part of how we can claim "Complaint Free Since 2003". 🎉. |